Is your mental health related to your physical health?


Let's talk about one of my favorite subjects... mental health.

Mental health and its correlation with physical health is something that has not only been a huge factor in my own journey, but it has also been a common theme in my client sessions.

I've come to realize that as much as we don't want to admit that our mental and physical health are two peas in the same pod... they are.

Here's where it gets challenging ➝ when you begin to acknowledge that your physical health impacts your mental health (and vice-versa)... then all of a sudden your journey can seem double overwhelming.... because now, you are trying to tackle these two huge parts of your life instead of just focusing on one.

However, it's typically that exact resistance toward working with our mind-body connection, rather than solely focusing on one or the other, that gets in our way of progress.

Once we embrace the beautiful interaction between the two, we get to be motivated by more than just looking good in a bikini. We become naturally motivated to nourish ourselves and move our bodies because when we do that, we FEEL better energetically and mentally.

And when we're in a better mental headspace, we want to continue to nourish and take good care of ourselves.

Here are a few lovely examples of the strong connection between the two:

1) Eating lots of processed, sugary, fatty, low-nutrient foods can trigger/worsen depression and anxiety symptoms

2) Exercise releases feel-good brain chemicals (hellllo endorphins and serotonin 😉) that can help with depression and anxiety

3) When you’re in a good headspace, you’re more motivated to make healthy, nourishing choices

There’s sooo much more where that came from, and the more we (scientists) discover over time, the connection between the two will become even more powerful. Once you tap into that connection, you become unstoppable. You become aligned. You become YOU.

➝ Have you ever experienced a connection between your mental and physical health? If any of this resonates with you, I’d love to hear about it! This topic isn’t nearly talked about as much as it can be, so I say let’s start the conversation right here, right now. Let’s create space. Let’s feel, navigate, and grow together. ♡



Emily Golin