How To: Own Your Sexy (in 3 Easy Steps)


To me, owning your sexy is all about stepping into your personal power and embracing that you are the CEO of your own life (shoutout to Peleton for that reminder). That means you get to BE YOU. DO YOU. FOR YOU. 

So let’s talk about all things sexy…. what feeling sexy means to you, how to truly unlock and step into your inner sexiness, how to embrace your desires and start showing up as the confident, badass, empowered woman that you are in every area of your life (inside and outside the bedroom).

Alright, that sounds epic… but HOW exactly do I start to own my sexy?

I’ve broken it down into 3 simple steps: How To Own Your Sexy

Step 1 → Own your mental health and honor its connection to your physical health.

I've come to realize that as much as we don't want to admit that our mental and physical health are two peas in the same pod... they are. And in order to truly embrace our sexy, we must step into this rather than resist it.

Once we embrace the beautiful interaction between the two, we get to be motivated by more than just looking good in a bikini. We become naturally motivated to nourish ourselves and move our bodies because when we do that, we FEEL better energetically and mentally.

And when we're in a better mental headspace, we want to continue to nourish and take good care of ourselves. And when we nourish and take good care of ourselves, that’s when we look & FEEL & exude sexiness all around us.

Here are a few lovely examples of the strong connection between the two and how you can apply it to your life:

1) Eating lots of processed, sugary, fatty, low-nutrient foods can trigger/worsen depression and anxiety symptoms

2) Exercise releases feel-good brain chemicals (hellllo endorphins and serotonin 😉) that can help with depression and anxiety

3) When you’re in a good headspace, you’re more motivated to make healthy, nourishing choices

There’s sooo much more where that came from, and the more we (scientists) discover over time, the connection between the two will become even more powerful.

Once you tap into that connection, you become unstoppable. You become aligned. You become YOU.

Step 2 → Commit to loving your life & stop settling for mediocre.  

Ya know what's sexy?

A woman who knows what she wants and goes after it. A woman who is committed to loving her life & won't settle for mediocre. A woman like you who is ready to up-level her life.

It's about finding what brings you JOY. What lifts you up. What energizes you. What invigorates you. What foods and activities you LOVE that have you living your best life. 

And then following that. No more forcing yourself. No more doing or eating things you don't like. Just YOU - following the behaviors and activities that bring you the most pleasure in life. And then turning these healthy habits into behaviors that last.

So that they become your way. It's simply what you do.

You wake up feeling strong and confident in your own skin. Actually loving the life you lead. THIS is about getting curious about how good you can feel. And chasing that.

Everything you desire is right here, available to you, just waiting for you to claim. So, ask yourself, what's stopping you, and get to it.

Step 3 → Anchor it in. 

You GET to feel sexy every damn day. And you get to feel this way without having to try to remember to do something to get yourself to feel sexy every day. 

Because the one thing that never fails to be a mood breaker is getting in your own head. 

So let's make it easy.

First ask yourself: What would it be like to fully step into my sexiness without having any hesitation or insecurities constantly popping in my head? What would it be like to embrace my power, confidence, desires and pleasure?

Imagine this version of you. Close your eyes for a few seconds and picture yourself walking down the street in this newfound you. (I know your eyes are still open, so now it's time to actually close them for 3 seconds… startingggg…. now.)

You did it! Yay! What you just envisioned is the future version of you that is beautifully fearless. 

Now you want to find something that you get to look at every morning that reminds you of how freaking good it feels to be ALIVE. I like to refer to this as an anchor - you're literally anchoring in your sexy vibes - igniting yourself with that sense of aliveness and desire for life that has you embracing your sexy in everything you do. 

Tip: The important thing to remember about anchors is to choose something that you feel no resistance toward. 

For example, if you're someone who doesn't currently think they are sexy, putting a post-it note on your mirror that says, “YOU ARE SEXY” probably isn't going to do you any good. You'll just be reminding yourself daily of how annoying it is that you don't already feel that way.

Instead, go with something that resonates with you right here and now, removing any potential resistance to the anchor when you see it. 

Maybe for you, this could look like a note that says: "Hello beautiful! ♡ Take a moment to enjoy how beautiful, how amazing, this thing called “life” truly is." (Yes, this one is up on my mirror).

Or maybe it's a necklace that you put on every morning that leaves you feeling confident and reminds you of how ready you are to take on the day ahead. 

Another personal fav of mine is this YOU ARE A BADASS calendar that's filled with daily inspirations that boost your mood and make you fall in love all over again with the possibilities life has in store for you.

If you're having trouble coming up with an anchor for yourself, don't worry, I got you - just email me, and we'll find you an epic anchor in no time. 

No matter what anchor you choose, the important thing is that you are CHOOSING YOU. 

And that... is sexy.

Cheers! To owning your sexy.



Emily Golin