If you’re struggling to release weight, know it’s not your fault.
If you’re struggling to release weight, know that you’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed. You’re not alone in feeling defeated and blocked and as though you’ve tried everything to get to where you want to be but the world keeps knocking you down.
When we want to change something about ourselves, especially our physical appearance, we become hyperaware and critical of ourselves and the world around us. That’s why when we desire to release weight it can turn into a game of shame and self-blame real quick, and we find ourselves constantly going back and forth between what we should do vs what we want to do.
But if you’re struggling to release weight, know that it is NOT your fault.
As humans, we are innately drawn to do what is most pleasurable to us. To sum it up for you, we are always going to move toward what feels good and move away from what doesn’t.
So knowing this, why are we constantly trying to get ourselves to do things we don’t actually enjoy to get the results we want? 1) It’s an exhausting way to live. And 2) in the end, we will always go back to doing what feels most pleasurable to us. Aka, we’re basically setting ourselves up for failure.
This is why dieting programs and intense workout regimens might give you results upfront, but they usually don’t last. In the beginning phases of a weight-loss program, the excitement that you get from going “all-in” can outweigh the fact that you don’t actually enjoy eating 1,200 calories a day or working out 2x a day, 5 days a week. But over time, as the excitement wanes down, your body’s pleasure centers start to fight back. They’ve had enough of this - the initial pleasure you felt during your weight-loss journey no longer outweighs the misery of whatever you’re doing to get there.
Here’s the important part to remember: those cravings you’re getting or the exhaustion you’re probably feeling at this point aren’t signs of defeat. They’re actually quite the opposite. This is your body’s way of telling you that it’s not a fan of whatever you’re trying to do to it, that there’s gotta be another way.
So, what if, instead of constantly fighting against doing what we want to do in order to reach our goals, we actually used our innate pleasure wiring to our advantage?
When we shift our mindset and approach to our health transformation, it has a HUGE impact on our results. Because it’s not all about the DOing. Most of it is actually about WHO you are BEING while you take action. It’s about stepping into your body. Learning how to listen to your body, hear what it’s telling you, and trust that your body is always telling you exactly what it needs at any given moment.
When you tune into your body’s signals, you begin to notice what foods/behaviors/people/environments feel good and lift you up… vs what depletes you and takes away from your energy and greatness.
This is when the magic hits. This is when you start making healthy choices simply because they make you FEEL good, not because someone else is telling you that’s what you have to do.
When you strengthen the neurological connection between what you do and what’s pleasurable to you, you start naturally gravitating toward healthy activities and foods that energize you and lift you up.
You’re no longer at battle with what you should be doing vs what you want to be doing because now, the activities/foods that you find pleasurable at that moment are the exact things that make you feel healthy, energized, and ultimately support you on your path to where you want to be.
No more choosing between instant gratification and long-term gratification. You get to experience pleasure in the here and now and in the long run because you are simply following what’s pleasurable to you in order to get to where you want to be - taking willpower and derivation out of the equation.
The coolest part? You’ll find that it’s actually the accumulation of these micro-moments of pleasure throughout our days that end up fueling us and inspiring us to keep going, to keep exploring just how awesome we can feel in this life - mind, body, soul.
And if you’re reading this, thinking, “dang, that really resonated with me” and you’re ready to dive in deeper, you can apply here to work with me. We’ll get super clear on how to reach your goals while adding more pleasure into your life… not taking away from your joy in life. Because you deserve to start living your most vibrant, healthiest life and have fun doing it.