Features Overview
The Chronic Pain Cycle
If you’re dealing with chronic pain, you know how disruptive and defeating it can be. And what can be even more frustrating than the actual physical pain itself is the compilation of ripple effects that can come along with it.
I like to refer to this as the Chronic Pain Cycle. What starts out as physical pain in your body, starts negatively impacting all areas of your life - your mental health, social life, physical activity levels, energy levels, mood, sleep, career performance, libido, food habits, weight, connection with loved ones & friends, financial shifts… the list goes on.
The cycle is very real and very common. So why do so few people talk about it or take action to do anything about it? The answer is simple: They don’t know how.
There are so remedies that address chronic pain; physical therapy, chiropractors, cupping, surgery, trigger point injections… trust me, I’ve tried them all. And although these physical treatments can be effective, they are all missing one KEY component that leads to long-term freedom ➝ HABIT CHANGE. Without this element of habit change, the chronic pain cycle inevitably continues to take over all aspects of your life.
Together, we will explore how the ripple effects of chronic pain are interfering with your life and learn how to break free from the cycle by implementing simple habit shifts in each area.
Through mindfulness techniques, nourishment shifts, rewiring pleasure connections, inflammation reduction, mental exercises, stress management, and other various habit transformation techniques - this program focuses on everything all of the other stuff you’ve tried before didn’t.
The goal is to improve your overall wellbeing and happiness and step back into your personal power, thus putting you in a better, stronger mindset to recover faster and get you back to living your life!
Experience more energy, joy, and passion for life; breaking free from the chronic pain cycle by tapping into your inner confidence and intuition.
Establish greater body awareness and regain confidence in your body and its capabilities. Wake up every day energized and excited for the day ahead.
Reduce anxiety levels and gain clarity on the direction of your life.
Build confidence about how to nourish your body to have you feeling your best! You will learn the types of foods and activities that are optimal for your progress and how to implement these in ways that are actually enjoyable, fun and (obviously) delicious.
Shift from a constant state of shame, frustration, & unworthiness to a state of strength, trust, & empowerment.
Transform your knowledge into SUSTAINABLE ACTION so that taking care of your mental & physical health becomes a part of your lifestyle.