Something had to change (part 1 of 4 blog series)


Something had to change.

Have you ever thought, “What’s next for me?”, and then a few seconds later the information overload started to pour in, and before you knew it you were at a standstill instead of making forward progression as you intended. Yea, been there. And when it comes to your health —> it’s information overload on a whole other level out there.

That’s why I’ve created this 4-part blog series to guide you through your total mind-body transformation. While moving through these four blog posts, you’re going to experience an energetic shift and a lightness around health and releasing weight. You will feel different about the choices you make. You will feel a sense of empowerment in your body in the midst of a world of chaos.

My mission is to support you in reconnecting to what’s possible for you. Because even if you’ve tried everything under the sun, it’s not too late to uncover what works for you.


Let’s play a game. Count on one hand how many times you’ve tried sticking to a meal plan, diet, workout regimin, or any of the “proven, yet individualized” system/method/protocols out there such as counting macros, tracking points, counting calories… the list goes on. Anyone else need like ten more hands?! Honestly, just thinking about everything I had tried to so desperately make work for me in the past makes me want to scream a big FU to all the diets, practitioners, and honestly just the entire weight loss industry in general.

The promises. The lies. The shame. The scams. It’s overwhelming.

Ok, so why am I now working as a health coach, in a field that I literally despised just over 8 years ago?

Because. SOMETHING. Had. To. Change.

For me, I had tried everythingggg to release weight. Years of counting calories, tracking points, trying to count my macros, this workout plan, that workout plan, you name it, I tried it. And it just wasn’t making sense. Why wasn’t anything working? I was literally at a standstill and couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong… what was wrong with me? How could it be that I followed xyz “plan” to a T, but wasn’t seeing the results everyone else doing it was raving about?

It was beyond frustrating. I knew there had to be another way, but I had no idea where to find it.

The turning point.

The moment my motivation shifted from “I have to eat healthy/work out to lose weight” to “I want to eat nourishing foods and move my body to boost my mental health and improve my overall mental well-being,” everything changed. And I mean everything.

Once I learned (shoutout to my therapist in 2016) that consuming sugary, fatty, and processed foods can trigger anxiety, I started making healthier choices. Not because I felt like I had to but because I wanted to.

I began eating healthier, more nourishing foods because I wanted to reduce my anxiety and boost my overall baseline. I went from living my life as a back-to-back series of have-to’s —> to making my choices based on how I wanted to feel and what would help me feel that way.

Turns out, the more I nourished my body, the better I felt mentally and energetically. And when I wasn’t clouded with stress and anxiety, the more alive I felt. The more alive I felt, the more I felt called to move my body. The more I moved my body, the more I craved nourishing, replenishing foods. And the cycle continued.

6 months and 40 pounds later, and there I was. The happiest, healthiest, most vibrant version of myself I had ever experienced. And now, 7 years later, even through all of life’s ups and downs thrown my way, that excess weight hasn't come back. Why?

Because focusing on internal motivation to better your mental health and overall state of well-being through food and movement is the one source of motivation that lasts - regardless of where you are on your journey.

Over the past four years, I have worked with countless women to help them successfully release weight permanently. It’s continuously proven that the key to inevitable success is focusing on your mental wellness first.

Focusing on your mental wellness means getting curious about how good you can feel mentally, cognitively, and energetically, and then letting all of your choices be guided by that. In doing so, you inevitably start generating the behaviors and attitudes that truly release weight in a natural way. You begin connecting back to your body’s innate wisdom.

Here’s the important piece to remember: You get to want to release weight simply because you want to release weight. AND, you get to release that weight without making that the main driver behind every decision you make throughout the day.

When the desire to make nourishing choices comes from a place of wanting to FEEL GOOD mentally, cognitively, and energetically, your exterior can’t help but step into alignment with your interior. The released weight simply becomes a beautiful side effect of coming from a place of wanting to vibrate at your highest frequency inside and out.

Over the next three blog posts, I will show you tangible action steps for how you can start confidently putting this new approach into practice today.

First simple action step (takes approx. 20 sec): Send me a quick message on IG @emily.golin letting me know what parts of this email clicked with you. I’ll personally be responding to everyone individually. Let’s start this journey together. :)

xo, Em

Emily Golin