Now is your time ✨

If health has been on your mind 24/7 lately, you're not alone. Whether you're thinking about it because of what's happening in the world right now or because you have been wanting to get healthy for a while now before the pandemic started - I'm here to tell you, now is YOUR time. ✨

Wherever you are on your journey, now is your time to step into the best version of YOU there is - the healthiest, happiest, most vibrant and confident version of you there is. Because in times like these, it starts to really sink in that we all get this one life to live, and it's up to YOU to start truly LIVING it.

Six years and 40 pounds ago, I was overweight, exhausted, constantly anxious, weak, my immune system was crap, and my confidence levels were at an all-time low. I just wanted to be happy again, and I knew getting healthy could help put me on that track ➝ but I also used to think getting healthy was all about losing weight ➝ and I used to think the only way I’d actually be able to lose weight was going on a diet and restricting myself ➝ but when I was depriving myself, I definitely wasn't having fun ➝ and when I wasn't having fun, I was far from being happy.

That summer of 2014, I did everything I could to try to lose all the weight I had piled on... I was diligently doing weight watchers and working out for 1-2 hours every day... how could I not lose weight?? Yet the only results I saw were the same three freaking pounds fluctuating up and down every week... 🙄 I was miserable, frustrated, and defeated. After 4 months of this, the question I kept struggling with was:

What's the point of trying to get "healthy" and "transforming your body" if you're not HAPPY doing it? 🧐... If getting “healthy” does not make you happy, then doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of why you started trying to get healthier in the first place?

Although I didn’t know it at the time, this one question sparked the beginning of my entire health & mental wellness journey and to this day is one of the main themes my clients and I continue to come back to. Because at the end of the day, it's truly all about being happy - living a happy, meaningful life.

It's YOUR time. It's time to throw out all the crazy dieting, extreme exercise, and deprivation that everyone preaches. It’s time to focus on being HAPPY. Because when your mental state of being is your main motivation, losing weight simply becomes an awesome side effect of your journey rather than the focal point. You stop having to try so hard or rely on willpower to get results... because this vibrant healthy, happy, confident version of you simply becomes your way of being. ♡



Emily Golin