How to make BIG decisions


When’s the last time you made a BIG decision?

Maybe you decided to switch jobs, move to a new city, break up with your boyfriend, or finally get that trendy haircut you’ve always wanted. Maybe the big decision in your life right now is whether you’ll invest your money or just say f* it and book that yoga retreat to Bali.

But how are we supposed to make all these huge decisions in life when, if you’re anything like me, you can’t even decide what to order when you’re out for dinner.

We’re told to “listen to our gut” as though it’s this magic 8 ball that will always point you in the right direction if you just LISTEN to it. Now that’d be great and all if your stomach was see-through and every time you had a decision to make, your gut held up a sign that said “Yes, definitely” or “Outlook not so good.” But even with a magic 8 ball, the lines can still get blurry. The response could be “Ask again later” or “Reply hazy.” And then you’re left even more confused…

Kind of like when you ask a friend for advice and they tell you you should do one thing and all the sudden there’s this part of you that now wants to do the other.

Recently, I made a pretty big decision in my life. I struggled with making the decision for a long time, going back and forth, driving myself nuts. Then I realized something. There was no RIGHT decision. There also was no WRONG decision. There was just A decision. A choice to take a certain path and run with it.

Life is as blurry as we let it be. You can constantly doubt your life choices, or you can make them with confidence and roll with it. If you chose to get the haircut you might LOVE it and be the happiest girl in the world. OR you could very well end up hating it. But so what? Now you know. And instead of thinking about wanting to get this haircut for the rest of your life, you chose to TRY it, to LIVE it, and regardless of the result, LEARN from it. Learn what you liked, didn’t like, and what you want in the future.

So instead of putting so much pressure on ourselves to make the RIGHT decision, I urge you to instead, focus your energy on striving to live your best life with whatever path you choose to embark on 💫

Emily Golin